Suomen Passin Historiaa
Medium: | Book |
Client: | Tampere University |
Year: | 2020 |
In spring 2020, shortly before the corona pandemic led to the closure of museums around the world, the Finnish Museum of Photography in Helsinki presented the exhibition »Ruumiin ja dokumenttien kytkökset: Suomen passin historiaa« (»Relationships between body and document: The history of the Finnish passport«). In connection with the exhibition, the scientific publication of the same name was created, which also served as the exhibition catalog. Florian Markl was commissioned to design the book.
In the exhibition and the accompanying book, the two authors Paula Haara and Prof. Asko Lehmuskallio from the department of visual studies at the University of Tampere, examined the historical development of the Finnish passport and its transformation from an originally elitist, personal letter of recommendation to the high-tech identification document it is today. The scientific focus was on the complex relationships between body and document.
At the end of 2020 the book was nominated as »Historical Work of the Year« by the Finnish Association of Friends of History (Historian Ystäväin Liitto).